de Nail (Robert,
Luisa, and Sean) is only one house of many within the circle of our family
and friends. Our site is devoted to our companies and the family members
and friends we are not able to visit on a daily basis. Luisa is Colombiana
and most of her family and friends still reside in Colombia. On the other
hand, I am Texan and most of my family is scattered as far north as Michigan,
as far west as California, and as far east as Atlanta. Our extended family
manages to cover a good part of both North and South America. Including
a few extended friends, we have parts of Europe covered as well (Norway, Great Britain and Spain).
Please don't
hesitate to contact us, and let us know about what you think (good and
bad) and any news you would like to share via Thank
you for your patronage.
Casa de Nail